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samedi, février 15, 2025
Accueil La vie au Canada Vie communautaire The Superior Court of Quebec allows the collective action of the Moroccan...

The Superior Court of Quebec allows the collective action of the Moroccan community established in Canada against Transport Canada.

Transport Canada is facing a collective action of the Moroccan community established in Canada, which was authorized by the honorable judge Lukasz GRANOSIK of the Superior Court of Quebec and led by Me Nawal BENROUAYENE.

The collective action request targets all individuals who were affected by the suspension of direct flights between Morocco and Canada, which lasted 30 days, from August 29 to September 29, 2021.

The plaintiffs, which include Canadian citizens, permanent residents in Canada, and Moroccan students established in Canada, alleging that Transport Canada’s decision to suspend all direct flights between the two countries caused moral, material, and financial harm. They claim that this unilateral and hasty decision took hostage about 13,000 Canadian citizens and residents established in Morocco.

The pandemic has already caused difficulties for many Canadians who were forced to stay in the country for two years, and these thousands of people had decided to travel for essential reasons, such as assisting a distressed loved one or attending funerals, or settling urgent legal or financial issues. The plaintiffs claim that few people have traveled for tourist reasons or to visit their families, even if these latter had to do so for obvious mental health reasons.

The plaintiffs argue that other solutions could have been discussed before this decision was taken unilaterally by Canada. They claim that indirect flights are not feasible for most of the people concerned because of the constraints imposed by transit countries (visas), financial constraints (the cost of tickets has tripled), available dates that are incompatible with commitments made to employers, schools, and other third parties, and especially the hardship of these flights with many stopovers, especially for large families with children who are forced to spend long hours in airport halls with no means to help them or for people who are unable to make stopover flights due to their young age or health condition.

In reaction to this situation, Me Nawal BENROUAYENE and a team of from the Moroccan community established in Canada organized two sit-ins to protest against this decision. The first sit-in took place on September 5, 2021, in front of the main residence of the honorable Justin Trudeau and a second sit-in took place on September 6, 2021, in front of the constituency office of the honorable Justin Trudeau in Montreal.

Me Nawal BENROUAYENE also introduced a collective action for compensatory, moral, and punitive damages against the Attorney General of Canada (AGC) due to Transport Canada’s decision to suspend direct flights from Morocco. She proposes a group of individuals affected by this decision and who suffered moral, material, and financial harm as a result.

Your contacts:

– Me Nawal BENROUAYENE: 514 699-1888 / 450 396-4004
– Dr. El Amine SERHANI: 514 701-6110
– Mrs. Chaimaa MOUKHLISSE: 613 898-9342

Dr. El Amine SERHANIhttp://www.origines-hebdo.ca
El Amine SERHANI, est journaliste, membre de l’Association Canadienne des Journalistes depuis le 16 novembre 2020 sous le numéro de membre : 57044868. Au-delà de sa formation universitaire, il a suivi une formation dans le journalisme au centre CNFDI - Groupe JPL, Etablissement privé déclaré auprès du Ministère de l'Education nationale en France et membre de la Fédération Européenne Des Ecoles (FEDE) et ce depuis le 19 octobre 2020 ainsi qu’à HEC en marketing digital. L'expérience du journaliste et grand reporter de El Amine, a commencé dans le cadre du journal des étudiants à l’âge de 19 ans à l’Université Mohamed V, l’Université Hassan II et l’école française des affaires au Maroc ainsi que dans l’hebdomadaire « le Canard Libéré » entre 2008 et 2010. Il a continué depuis 2010 en rédigeant des centaines de rapports et papiers établis dans plus de 134 pays, parmi lesquels la rédaction et l’édition de 14 livres sur les thèmes suivants : Rituels et traditions marocaines, promotion territoriale, économie numérique, etc. Dr.SERHANI, finalise une grande étude sur la communauté marocaine établie au Québec, sur la base d’entretiens de plus d’une heure, menés avec plus de 1600 personnes de cette communauté. Depuis fin décembre 2018, Dr. SERHANI, a créé un média communautaire dédié à la diaspora marocaine établi au Canada en trois langues et sur plusieurs supports (Papier, web, mobile et les réseaux sociaux), appelé « Origines ». El Amine SERHANI, avait assuré pendant plusieurs années des missions comme consultant international auprès du Centre International du Commerce (une agence de l’ONU et l’OMC) et auprès des agences et programmes de l’union européenne. Depuis 2008, il est Président élu de la Fédération Nationale de l'Économie numérique Marocaine, et il aura collaboré avec une centaine d’instances diplomatiques marocaines dans plus de 87 pays dans les quatre coins du monde.
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